

Online learning

Equine courses provided by Progressive Equine Partnerships members.

Progressive Equine Partnerships recommended course providers

Progressive Equine Partnerships

We offer a small number of free online courses. These are aimed at the novice owner and those looking to refresh their knowledge. These essential skills courses are designed to give the learner a basic understanding of equine care and management and encourage the individual to explore ethical and species appropriate care.

HippoLogic Clicker Training Academy

The HippoLogic Clicker Training Academy teaches you how to understand your horse better and enhance your communication. This will help you get a safe confident horse who loves to engage with you. 

HippoLogic offer a free course as well as a free assessment. 

Equine Massage Academy ltd

EMA offer high quality evidence-based courses, with completion certificates, built on “Empathy, Integrity, Science and Alternative Approaches”. Completing our training will equip you to enhance the welfare and performance of all animals, whether you are an owner or a professional working with them. This training provider is a Member of UK Rural Skills, ensuring our courses meet the highest of national standards and quality assurance.

The Clicker Center

Start your clicker training journey with Alexandra Kurland’s online introduction to clicker training course. This course took two years to construct and represents over twenty years of work. A Foundation Level course, it is intended first and foremost for people who are new to clicker training and want to get off to a great start.

Clicker training is an easy concept to understand, but there are lots of small details that make a huge difference to your training success. This course will guide you past the pitfalls.  It will get you off to a great start and show you how to make creative use of clicker training. It will also form a great review for people who are already familiar with the clicker and want to get some fresh ideas to liven up their training. 

For those of you who are teaching clicker training, you’ll find that it is a tremendous resource to add into your own training program.
